Archive for the ‘ Love ’ Category

You Make Hell Better!

“You make Hell better!”

Ever had someone say that to you?

I did.

It was on the way home Saturday.

My wife had just finished thanking me for joining her in her errands and the wonderful fact that we had just gone to Walmart and Sam’s Club together.  Neither one of us are huge fans of doing Saturday grocery shopping, but it had to be done (or at least according to our 4 hungry kids).  I would have much rather been doing anything but spending my Saturday in Walmart, but my wife asked if I would go, so… I went.

Now, let’s be honest.  I probably could have found an excuse somewhere inside my brain to not go.

“Uh, Honey, I need to go scrub the siding of the house with a toothbrush.  I don’t think I’ll finish in time. ”


“Honey, that’s a great offer, but I really need to visit David’s mother’s uncle’s cousin’s brother in the hospital this afternoon.  You know how he asked me to pray for her, I mean “him,” last Sunday in church.”

Yeah, I probably could have come up with something really good to not go to Walmart.  But for some reason, I didn’t.

Why? I’m not really sure.  I think maybe because I knew that my wife was dreading going as much as I was, and she wanted a reason that would make the trip a little better.  Now, I’m not sure how my presence at Walmart could do that, but according to her, it would.  So I went.

90 minutes later, we were done, but for those 90 minutes, it was just me and her.  Sure there were a lot of other “unique” people there, but we were oblivious to them (except for the punk rock lady.)  We were chatting and just enjoying each others company.  Before long, we were checking out and loading up.  Our trip to the nether regions complete.

So, why do I share this?

Because I wonder how many of us have helped make someone’s “Hell” a little better today.  I mean, isn’t that part of the reason God has left us here?  Aren’t we suppose to be a blessing to someone?

Now, don’t think for a moment that I’m holding myself up as a “model” to be followed.  That is certainly NOT the case!  What I AM saying is what the Spirit reminded me of.

“Aren’t you glad you did that?  Isn’t it better when you focus on someone else and not yourself?  Putting someone before yourself wasn’t too bad was it? ”

I somehow someway did something that made my wife’s day better, because I didn’t put myself first but put her first.  I wasn’t planning on doing right, it just happened.

Still, it was kind of nice to make her “Hell” a little better.

Wonder if I can do it again tomorrow?


Open Access

Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:5-6

Within the first few verses of Jude’s short New Testament letter, he uses an important word twice: “beloved.” In verse 1, he writes, “To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ….” The word “sanctified” could better be translated “beloved.” Jude begins verse 3 with the same word. Here we have a foundational truth, which Jude brings front and center: We are beloved of God.

How often we hear about what we are supposed to do for God. Yet the emphasis of the Bible is not so much on what we are supposed to do for God, but rather on what God has done for us. If we can get hold of that in our minds and hearts, it will change our outlook and actions. The more we understand of what God has done for us, the more we will want to do for Him.

This is no small truth. In fact, it’s fundamental to our spiritual lives. The devil would love to keep you from praying at all by reminding us how “unworthy” we are—telling us in effect that we have a lot of nerve to even think we could approach a holy God. He whispers, Do you think that God would hear your prayers after what you’ve done? But the real question to ask is this: “Is Jesus Christ worthy to come into the presence of the Father whenever He wants?” Of course He is.

The fact is that we are “accepted in the Beloved.” Because Christ has open access to the presence of the Father at any time, we have the same access as we come to God the Father through our relationship with Jesus. It’s not on the basis of what we have done for God, it is solely on the basis of what Christ has done for us.

And that’s the best news I’ve ever heard.


Have You Heard?

We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world  John 4:42

When we hear stories of how other people’s relationship with God helped them overcome adversity, it empowers us to persevere through our difficulties. And when God personally helps us to overcome our struggles, it causes our faith in him to be even stronger.  There is nothing like experiencing God first-hand in our lives. It is in those times when God speaks clearly and directly to us that we truly understand his love and faithfulness.  Maybe you know someone who has yet to discover the great benefits of a life yielded to the Savior. Or, you may have heard others talk about the awesome, life-changing power of Jesus Christ but have never experienced it for yourself. Take some time right now to invite him into your life.  Knowing Christ personally will literally transform you from the inside out. If you have a personal relationship with him, share your story with someone who doesn’t yet know the Savior, and encourage them to experience God first-hand. Let your life serve as a bold reminder that Christ really is the Light of the world so that others can be brought out of the darkness and have a new, brighter life with Jesus.

Dear Lord, Thank you so much for coming into my life. Please help me to share my experiences with others so that they can experience your Light in their own lives. Use my life as an illustration of your awesome power at work so that others can experience your love. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


Blood Bank

It was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed … but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.  1 Peter 1:18-19

I was thinking about a time that I donated blood two days before Good Friday, I learned that one donation can help three people and even save their lives. Premature babies, burn victims, leukemia sufferers, and people being treated for many other cancers are among those who can benefit from this gift. How thankful these people and their families must be for this one small donation!  As the technician drew my blood, my thoughts shifted to Good Friday and Jesus’ death on the cross. If people are grateful when we donate blood for them, how much more grateful should we be that Jesus shed his blood for us to save us from the consequences of our sins? By this sacrifice, we can all be saved and enter God’s presence freely.  I donated blood sitting comfortably in an armchair for an hour. Jesus’ blood was shed as he died an excruciating death – nailed to a cross.

Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross and for shedding your blood for each of us. Forgive us when we are ungrateful, and help us to never forget your gift. Amen.

Corrective Suffering

Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word. (Psalm 119:67)

In the much-loved Psalm 23, David wrote: “Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” The rod and the staff were shepherd’s tools. The staff was a long, crooked instrument the shepherd would use when a sheep was going astray. But the rod was simply a club, which was used when the staff wasn’t working anymore.  We may think that a club is extremely cruel to use on a poor sheep. But better to get whacked with a club than to be eaten by a wolf. Sheep are incredibly dumb. They will actually line up to die. If one sheep goes over a cliff, the other sheep will say, “Get in line. We’re all going to die today. Let’s go. Single file.” The shepherd sometimes has to use extra corrective measures on a wayward sheep that could lead others astray.

I have seen the Lord use the rod of suffering or sickness to get someone’s attention. He will say, “You really shouldn’t do that,” and then convicts them by His Spirit. But they might ignore Him. So He tells them, “Don’t do that. I don’t want you to do that.” If they continue to ignore Him, BAM! God will use His rod: “I told you…don’t do that.” I have met a lot of people in hospitals who have come to Christ. Unfortunately, a lot of them don’t stay with Christ. But others continue to walk with the Lord.

Maybe God has recently whacked you with His rod to get your attention. Maybe He has given you a wake-up call in the form of suffering or sickness, and you’ve been wondering why.

Don’t ever doubt it: It is because He loves you.


peels, plastic or produce

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is…full of mercy and good fruit…  James 3:17

As Christians, our actions reveal to others that we have taken that step of faith to trust Jesus with our eternity. These actions or deeds are what the Bible refers to as “producing fruit.” And when it comes to producing spiritual fruit, we have three options: peels, plastic or produce.  If we have only discarded peels in our lives, then we are hoarding and eating all the fruit ourselves. This is a me-centric way of life—a sad example that some Christian’s portray.  Displaying plastic fruit means that we work hard at putting on a good façade on Sunday’s, yet don’t back it up any other day of the week. Eventually, this kind of living reveals to others another false image of what the Christian life is all about. 

What Jesus calls us to do is to produce healthy, organic, wholesome fruit. We should be nourishing the people around us with the truth of God’s Word and sharing it so others can be fed. This is what identifies us as being a true Christ-follower. 

Dear Lord, Help me to see the situations and circumstances around me where I can share Your fruit with someone and reveal Your love to them. Help me to bring others closer to you. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.


With Gentleness and Respect

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.   1 Peter 3:15

When I was a new Christian I wanted to base my faith on facts, not on feelings. So I became equipped with knowledge of the scriptures, prophecy, and scientific evidence to support truth of the Bible’s content. I was so excited by the truths I learned that I wanted to tell the whole world, especially my family and friends. But over the last 20 years, God has taught me something equally significant to being able to build a case for Christ. That is, God calls us to be bearers of the truth, not enforcers of the faith.

I made this discovery when a friend kindly sent me a letter in which she wrote, “I would appreciate it if you would respect my beliefs.” Humbled and thankful that she loved me enough to try to preserve our friendship, I realized my responsibility is to be an instrument of the Holy Spirit–not a know it all.  Over time, I have become more sensitive to how others receive what I so desperately want to share. Now I try to sense when I’ve said enough and leave the rest up to the Holy Spirit. Paul wrote, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1 Cor. 3:6). Rather than risk offending by saying too much, when I share my faith with someone, I breathe a prayer instead.

Dear Lord, help me to share your love in a loving way to those who don’t know you. Amen.

Through the Wilderness

Jesus said, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”   Matthew 28:20

WHEN I was a boy we used to sing a chorus in church that included the lines, “My Lord knows the way through the wilderness; all I have to do is follow.”* The Lord led the Israelites through the wilderness between Egypt and the Promised Land. A pillar of cloud led them by day, and a pillar of fire led them at night. The Lord provided food for them, sending them manna from heaven.  Still today God’s people walk through wildernesses of many descriptions. Our wilderness might be a rough country of trial or disappointment, or a wasteland of sorrow and suffering. But regardless of the situation, we are not alone. Jesus has promised always to be with us, and he will see us through our hard journey. As God provided for the needs of the Hebrews coming out of Egypt, so God will give us what we need for our journey. God comforts. God provides. All we have to do is follow.

O Lord, thank you for being with us on any road we must travel. When we come to a wilderness, guide us. We trust you to keep us strong until the journey is through. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.  James 3:9-10

Most of us have been guilty of it at one time or another. One minute we’re sitting in church, singing praise songs, bowing our head in prayer. The next minute, we leave the parking lot and begin arguing with our spouse, yelling at the kids and cursing at other drivers.  The Scripture above reads, “My brothers, this should not be.” Whether it’s your spouse, children or a bad driver, they all have been made in the likeness of Christ. And we are called to express love to everyone, in every situation. We have all been given grace and unconditional love through God’s son, Jesus Christ, and it is our responsibility to be consistent in how we share this love with others. 

Whether we’re at church, at work, at a ballgame or driving during rush-hour traffic, we represent God. But consistently displaying God’s love through our words is not a naturally given trait. When we allow God to guide our every word, he will consistently use us to bring others to him, taking us to a whole new level of living.

Dear Lord, It can be so easy to share words of love and praise with you, only to turn around and curse out or demean the people around me. During those times, remind me that each person I see is someone who has been made in your likeness, and help me to communicate only words of love to them. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.


A Life that Matters

But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in Your hand. (Psalm 31:14-15)

I have to admit that I’m sometimes a little amused when I read obituaries in the newspaper or hear what’s said at some peoples’ funerals. Whoever the deceased was, he or she was the greatest person who ever lived. There was never a person more compassionate, more loving, or more caring. This is because when someone dies, we want to say the best about him or her.  But what if we told the truth at funerals? What if someone stood up and said, “This guy was a jerk, right? He squandered his life. How many people did he rip off—including those of us right here in this room? Let’s face it, he was selfish. He didn’t care about others. All he cared about was himself. And quite frankly, I’m kind of glad he’s gone, aren’t you?”  Of course we would never say that. Instead, we might even stretch the truth about how wonderful a person was.  If someone were to sum up your life, what would they say you lived for? What will they remember you for? That will be your legacy. Wouldn’t you like it to be honestly said of you, “This person loved God. She cared about the things of God. He really cared about other people. This person really lived for the Lord.”

The ultimate waste is to throw your life away, to squander it. Yet so many people do. One day, you will breathe your last breath. One day, you will make your last statement. One day, you will eat your last meal. What will you be remembered for?

Live a life that matters. Live a life that makes a difference. Live a life for Him, and you will never regret it.
