What’s New…

The Latest News / Updates

This page is devoted to keeping you updated on what’s happening with this website and new features:

Here’s the latest…

Tuesday, September 22nd 10:02pm / We have created an additional area on our forums called “Getting To Know You…”  This area is a place for members to share more about themselves and help build the bonds of this online community.  We do ask thought that the members not put anything on there that could be used by someone to aid them in stealing that person’s identity.

Saturday, September 5th 9:17am / We have now created an e-mail address that you can use to get support as well as ask any questions about the site.  You can e-mail us directly at ChristTheBridge@aol.com.

Sunday, August 2nd 3:43pm / You now have a new link in the members area for a CHAT ROOM.   You will have to register for this as well one time, but afterwords, you can login and chat as often as you like (or as long as there is someone in the room to chat with 🙂  )

Sunday, August 2nd 2:00pm / Created a JOIN US! Page to let people know how to register for the 3 different parts of the system (The daily devotionals / WordPress, the Forum, and the Chat Room).  You will find links (underlined words) to the registration of each one which will hopefully make this easier for everyone.
