What does it matter? The important thing is that … whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached.  Philippians 1:18

One night years ago while I was on a Scouting wilderness camp, raccoons tore into a bag of trash I neglected to hang up. I rose early to find a mess. I pondered three simple thoughts. First, This is what raccoons do. Second, They really didn’t hurt me. Third, Next time, I’ll tie my trash up higher!

God led me to write about the “raccoons” in my life, the people who seem to go through my “trash” — my weaknesses, scars, and unresolved pain — making a mess and causing me problems. One by one, I prayed for and about them, remembering the three thoughts above.   In Phillipians, Paul spoke of those who “preached Christ out of selfish ambition, … supposing they could stir up trouble” for him. But Paul had learned to let go of anger at people like this. He said, “What does it matter?” 

Some people seem to rummage through our weaknesses, trying to “stir up trouble.” But anger, retaliation, and distress are unnecessary. As Jesus told his disciples, we can be “wise as serpents” and “harmless as doves” (Matt. 10:16). All of us, even troublemakers, are welcome at God’s table. 

Lord, help us to face life’s troublemakers with confidence in your power. In Christ’s name. Amen.
