[Jesus] said to [the ruler], “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have. … Then come, follow me.”  Luke 18:22

When we consider the words of Jesus in Luke 18 to be only an indictment of the rich and a call to sell all possessions, we miss an important message. Jesus saw that the man wanted more out of life than possessions could bring him. So Jesus offered him a solution that would bring peace and fulfillment. Jesus simply told the man to cast aside his burdens and follow him. The man rejected this challenge either because he did not believe that the solution would work or because he saw changing as more painful than staying as he was. The man came to Jesus wanting a closer relationship with God, but he lacked the belief and trust that Jesus could fulfill that desire.

Whether we are rich or poor, believing that God can and will meet our needs and show us the way is key to living with meaning and purpose. Jesus models deep and abiding trust in God, and his teachings show us the way to life. However, it is up to us to accept or reject the offer. Jesus did not beg the man to follow him or explain why he should. Instead, Jesus used the situation to point out that those who are not burdened by possessions find it easier to gain life and peace by following him.

Lord help us to trust that everything we seek can be found in serving you. Amen
