[Jesus] called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury.” Mark 12:43

One year I helped the Salvation Army by operating one of their kettle stations and ringing a little hand bell in front of a local grocery store. Some days the winter cold makes the bell ringing challenging and unpleasant, but the faces of the coin droppers make it all worthwhile. That Christmas season, a dear elderly woman stood near the kettle searching a long time in her purse for some coins. She appeared as if she were the one who needed financial help. Finally, she beamed with success as she deposited her rather meager offering. But as Jesus noted in his story of the widow and her penny, it was the sacrificial giving from the heart that mattered.  Often during my Salvation Army bell-ringing experience, I noticed that the people who gave the most often were ones who seemed to be the poorest, and their beaming countenance reflected their joy in giving. But the ones I remember the most are the children who deposited coins given to them by a parent. When they heard the words “Merry Christmas” they flashed wonderful smiles. Yes, giving — however small the amount — can bring us a bright face and a soaring spirit.

O God, we know you ask us to be cheerful givers. May our gifts bring joy to others. Amen.
