Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”  Luke 12:15

God wants all of us to live in his sweet spot of success. For that to happen, we must be willing and ready to honor him in every area of our lives—including the area of finances.  But in today’s schizophrenic economy, many people question the biblical principle of tithing. But the truth is, whether it’s respecting our parents, loving our neighbor, or yes, even managing our money God’s way—honoring God’s Word is the fastest way to discover a blessed life. When we honor God through everything we do, say, touch and feel, we find ourselves positioned for a life of blessing.  When God challenges you to bring the first 10% of everything you make to your local house of worship, he’s simply telling you to return to him what is already his. Because he knows that where you treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21).  People say, “Money talks.” If that’s true, what does your money say about your priorities?

Lord, Please help me to always be on guard against the temptation to hoard my wealth, no matter how great or how small that may be. I want to be a good manager over the financial resources that you have blessed me with so that I can be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
