Be of good courage . . . all ye that hope in the Lord.  Psalm 31:24

Meditateing on a verse of scripture and listening for God’s word is a step toward becoming a new creation. God created us through the word; God’s message in the Bible also recreates us.  However, when I sit quietly, meditation often puts me to sleep. But when I was hiking in the woods, I experience the blessings of meditative prayer.  I used to spend time hiking on the Appalachian Trail. Each morning before I began my hike, I chose a verse of scripture. For several days, I pondered the words of just one verse, Psalm 31:24, and waited to hear what God would say to me through them. I heard God saying to me that courage is being scared of something but acting anyway. This was wisdom I needed to take to heart.  I had plenty to be afraid of. I’d never camped by myself. I’d never carried a heavy backpack. I’d never made a campfire. Could I do this? The Spirit said within me, “Face your fear and try.” So I did. When I failed, I learned from my mistakes and tried again. With each new challenge, my heart grew stronger. By the grace of God, I was and am becoming a new creation.

God, grant us the courage to do what you ask us to do and to try what seems impossible. We ask through Jesus Christ, who had the courage to face the cross and was raised to new life. Amen.
