We prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat. Nehemiah 4:9

Nehemiah and his people were undertaking a huge challenge: to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that had long been neglected and in disrepair. God’s people began to work diligently, as the Bible says, “with all their heart.” The work angered their enemies, so much so that they plotted to fight the Jews. God’s people could have responded with fear or despair. Instead, they did two things: they prayed and they posted a guard. They did not just pray; they did not just take action. But they combined the two measures, and that captured my attention as I read.

At times I have been discouraged because I felt that God had not answered my prayers. Maybe, though, the problem is that I have not done my part. It’s fine to pray about losing weight or getting a job or growing closer to God. However, if we don’t exercise or send out resumes or spend time with God, is it reasonable to expect the results we are seeking?

What desire or situation pulls at your heart today? Besides praying, what action does God want you to take in this matter? As Nehemiah 4 tells us, God’s people discovered that prayer plus action yields results.

Lord, thank you for answering our prayers. Please show us what steps we can take to deal with issues in our lives. Amen.
