But the wisdom that comes from heaven is…full of mercy and good fruit…  James 3:17

As Christians, our actions reveal to others that we have taken that step of faith to trust Jesus with our eternity. These actions or deeds are what the Bible refers to as “producing fruit.” And when it comes to producing spiritual fruit, we have three options: peels, plastic or produce.  If we have only discarded peels in our lives, then we are hoarding and eating all the fruit ourselves. This is a me-centric way of life—a sad example that some Christian’s portray.  Displaying plastic fruit means that we work hard at putting on a good façade on Sunday’s, yet don’t back it up any other day of the week. Eventually, this kind of living reveals to others another false image of what the Christian life is all about. 

What Jesus calls us to do is to produce healthy, organic, wholesome fruit. We should be nourishing the people around us with the truth of God’s Word and sharing it so others can be fed. This is what identifies us as being a true Christ-follower. 

Dear Lord, Help me to see the situations and circumstances around me where I can share Your fruit with someone and reveal Your love to them. Help me to bring others closer to you. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
