Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.  James 5:13

When you think of prayer, what is the first thing that comes to mind? For many, prayer is simply a way of communicating their needs to God during times of trouble. And that’s ok. James reminds us that when we face adversity, we should go to God in prayer. But a difficult circumstance isn’t the only time we should seek our Savior.  Prayer is communication with God. If I only communicated with my wife, Lisa, when I wanted something from her or needed her help, I’d be robbing both of us of the intimacy required for our relationship. Our marriage is based on all types of communication. In order for our relationship to grow, I need to tell her what I appreciate about her, how much she means to me and what I find attractive about her. And the same is true when it comes to our relationship with God.  

 God wants an intimate relationship with you. Don’t neglect opportunities to talk with Him, or you’ll rob that relationship of its incredible potential. Instead, pray in all situations, good or bad, and share with God everything that is on your heart. Thank Him, praise Him and communicate with Him through everything. Because as you do, you will grow not only in your spiritual relationship, but also in ways you never thought possible.

Dear Lord, It is so easy for me to turn to You in times of trouble. I have no problem sharing my needs and wants with You. But I know that’s not the only time I should communicate with You through prayer. Please bring me closer to You and help me to seize every opportunity to build intimacy in our relationship. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
