Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well.  James 5:14-15

Do you find it hard to believe people who say they have the power to heal others? In a society where science is supreme, miraculous healings just don’t add up. Many find it hard enough to accept the healings written about in the Bible, let alone believe in miraculous healings today. 

Although the power of God is hard to comprehend, he is just as strong today as he was when the Bible was written. He is still active in the world, healing his creation and empowering believers to carry out his plan. This includes working through the prayers of believers to heal the sick. But God is not a magic genie who is obligated to grant our wishes. He listens to our prayers and works on our behalf within the parameters of his plan.  Do you have doubts that God still heals? That’s okay. Just be sure to bring those doubts to God. Be honest with him while you talk about your belief or disbelief in miracles. God doesn’t want us to compartmentalize our faith. He wants us to have faith in him with all things and trust that he will work everything out for our good.

Lord, I admit that I have trouble believing in miracles. I sometimes doubt that you are the same God today, that you were in days of the Bible. I pray that you will help me to strengthen my faith so that I can trust you in all things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
