“And whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:44-45

The service industry racks up billions of dollars each year in sales because people love to be waited on hand and foot. But this idea of being served isn’t just reserved for the hospitality industry.

Jesus’ disciples thought they were going to get a taste of the good life. After all, they were going to be hanging out with the Savior of the world. They kept waiting for Jesus to establish an earthly kingdom, and they postured themselves to be his right hand men. But in doing that, they completely missed the message Jesus was teaching.  Jesus came to earth to serve. He traveled from town to town spreading God’s life-changing message, healing those in need, confronting the oppressive religious leaders of the day, and ultimately, giving his life for anyone willing to accept him. Jesus gave us the ultimate example of what it means to serve.  Servanthood is a litmus test for the Christian life. Do you find yourself in the same boat as the disciples, expecting to be served rather than to serve? If so, you’re missing out on some of the biggest blessings God has to offer. Take your cue from Jesus, serve someone else and discover the fullest life possible.

Lord, thank you for leaving your comfortable place in heaven to serve us here on earth. I pray that you will teach me how to serve others so that I can experience the full life that you have designed for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
