Continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures.   2 Timothy 3:14-15

I have a Doctor friend that is the proud owner of an antique medical book, The Practice of Surgery. It was written by Sir Ashley Cooper, “Surgeon to the King,” and published in 1828. The book was a gift from another close friend, and he keeps it in a prominent place in his office. He makes sure it is easily visible for people to see when they visit. He said he doesn’t often read it, and certainly doesn’t follow its recommendations in his practice of medicine! It is out-of-date; he keeps it only for show.

Many of us treat our Bible the same way. Though the Bible may be the greatest best-seller of all time, it is perhaps the least read book on our shelf. We like to display our Bible in a prominent place, but we don’t necessarily follow its recommendations. Many people feel it is out-of-date. The Bible was written by human hands but under the inspiration of God. It proclaims eternal truths. When we read the Bible, God will speak to us through its pages — as to countless others before us.

Lord, help us to read the Bible daily, discovering food for our soul and guidance for our journey. Amen.
