Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.  Matthew 5:9

I remember when I first realized that Jesus and James did not speak of blessings coming to those who keep the peace but rather to those who make peace. There is a difference. Some seek to keep the peace by brushing conflict under the rug — by not dealing with issues that ought to concern us or by keeping quiet when someone needs us to speak out. Others make peace by being reconcilers, by building unity between individuals and groups, by helping persons appreciate the viewpoint of others and love them — in spite of differences and in the midst of conflict.

At times I have tried to keep the peace by withdrawing or even by avoiding persons with whom I might disagree. This could be called peacekeeping, but it is not the active love that Jesus and James spoke of as peacemaking. True peacemaking is an act of love that works for reconciliation and for the good of each person. Jesus blessed peacemakers, calling them children of God.  We live out our identity as God’s children when we become true peacemakers, when we take on Christ’s nature of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

O God, make us into your likeness so that we not only keep the peace but work to make peace in all our relationships. Through Christ we pray. Amen.
