The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.  I Samuel 16:7

Most people spend time each morning diligently preparing for the day. Our routines generally consist of picking out the right clothes, brushing our hair and teeth and then analyzing ourselves in front of a mirror. And some spend more time than others.  As well put together as we may be (or think we are) when we look in the mirror, our appearance adds nothing to our true value. The quality of our shoes won’t make a difference at all if we walk past someone in need. The price of our wallet doesn’t do a thing for our personal worth if we aren’t generous to others.  There’s a danger when we rely on our outward appearance to determine our worth, because it gives us a false sense of what God wants us to reflect to others. What we should do instead is realize that when people look to us, they need someone of true value, someone with a ready heart, someone who is willing to look to their needs and not just a reflection in the mirror.

Dear God, It can be so easy to rush through my morning routine without also preparing my heart. Instead of being consumed with how I look each day, help me to also have a heart for those in need and to look for ways I can add value to their day. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
