My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the utterance from my heart will give understanding.  Psalm 49:3

Communication, like many other things we learn in life, becomes something that we just do. And sometimes, we do it without much thought.  So often we can let words slip through our mouths that have yet to go through the filter of our minds. This is especially true if the words are emotionally charged. When we allow that to happen, words of wisdom are generally not what’s on the tip of our tongue. 

However, when you take time to consider your words before speaking, you’ll be surprised by how God can change the way you communicate. What once was a haphazard attempt to convey a point becomes an articulate message that is better received.

Dear Lord, There are times when I want so badly to be heard and understood that I forget to think about what I’m communicating first. During those times, I pray that you give me the patience to consider my words, and to speak with wisdom. And I pray that through my words you will be glorified in every situation. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
