Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13

Every day, men and women are willing to do what it takes for the cause of freedom. And through the years, many have paid for that freedom with their lives. Memorial Day is a time when we reflect on and honor the sacrifice and dedication of those people. Because when you boil it down, what we have, where we live and the freedoms we enjoy aren’t free.  Yet, as awesome and humbling as that is, there’s an even greater freedom that we have that came at an even higher cost. And it was born out of unconditional love.  When Jesus walked the earth, He had one purpose, one mission, one cause—to die for your sins so that you could enjoy the freedom that comes with a relationship with God. So as you celebrate and honor the men and women who are serving and have served our nation, don’t forget the cost that Jesus paid for you. Thank Him for that ultimate freedom He provided to us because of His pure and powerful love.

Dear God, Thank you so much for the freedom that I enjoy and for the sacrifice of the many who provided that freedom. But most of all, thank You for the ultimate freedom that You have given through Jesus Christ. Help me each day to reflect on and remember the cost You were willing to pay for a relationship with me. It is through Christ that I pray, Amen.
