While he was still speaking a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. He approached Jesus to kiss him.   Luke 22:47

Betrayal started in the Garden of Eden, but it didn’t end there. One of the most famous names of betrayal comes from later in the Bible—Judas. He followed Jesus for three years as a disciple before handing Him over to be crucified. It was the ultimate betrayal in Jesus’ life, and perhaps in the history of the world.  As I was talking to a very prominent leader one evening when the subject of betrayal came up, he looked at me and said, “You know what I’ve discovered, Bruce? There’s always a Judas at your table. And he is close enough to kiss your cheek.”  I thought that was powerful. Betrayal comes from those closest to us. But regardless of who pushed you into the pit, it does not have to be a place where you break down. The pit can become a place where you break out to become who God has designed you to be.

Dear Lord, Thank You for Your discernment and guidance in life, and for opening my eyes to the intentions of those closest to me. Please dissolve any plans someone may have to betray me. And if their plans do succeed, please use the experience to help me break out of the pit so that I can become the person You designed me to be. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
