An incident in my workplace caused a misunderstanding between me and one of my colleagues, and we argued. She at once stopped talking to me. My first thought was to treat her the same way, but then I remembered the verse, “A soft answer turns away wrath.” I prayed silently, asking God to give me grace in this situation. I continued to talk with her and offered her help whenever she required it. Slowly she started speaking with me in her usual cheerful manner, and soon the small tiff was forgotten.  I was happy that I listened to the Spirit’s guidance and applied the words of scripture to my life. Whatever our circumstances, if we trust in God and put the wisdom of scripture into practice, the Lord is able to work everything out for our good. God can give us grace to be loving even in times of disagreement. Treating others kindly also sets an example for those around us. Perhaps by doing so we can help them realize the true meaning of Christianity. 

Lord, give us grace to live in Christ like ways so that we bring others to you by our example. Amen.
