A male and female of each kind of living being went into the boat with Noah, as God had commanded. Then the Lord shut the door behind Noah.  Genesis 7:1516

Who closed the ark’s door before the torrential rains began? My daughter, Katie, noticed that it was God who shut the door. Her comments shed light on the scripture. Then she also reminded me that I follow a bedtime ritual: I go downstairs and make sure all the doors of our home are shut and locked. I check to make sure all the lights are out. As Katie drifts off to sleep, she feels safe and secure because she knows her daddy is watching, making sure that the doors are locked and that she is safe. “God wanted Noah to feel safe before the awful storm,” she remarked, “so God did a check and locked the door for Noah.”  I had heard the story of Noah many times and had never given this little verse much thought. Was God trying to make Noah feel safe? Katie thinks so.

One thing is certain: God closed the door out of love for Noah. As we approach storms in our lives, God loves us with the same great capacity and looks out for us with the same sensitive care.

God, remind us that you constantly watch out for us in love. Amen.
