In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’   Acts 20:35

There’s a philosophy in our culture that breeds mediocrity. Most people do only what is necessary to get by.  If there’s a job to be done, it’s done adequately. We tolerate people we work with, instead of actually taking an interest in them. And when it comes to really important matters, like our relationship with God, our spouse, our family and friends—some offer indifference instead of creativity and an eagerness to engage.  Our God is not a lack-luster God. Our God is overflowing with power and a desire to know you, to bless you, and to offer you his peace and hope for the future. But to receive that, you have to be willing to share what you have now with others. God’s design is that in order to get more, you have to give more. And once we understand that, our lives will be blessed and go above and beyond anything we’ve ever dreamed.

Dear God, It’s so easy to become complacent and only do the bare minimum. Help me to live life with excitement and joy. Help me to put forth effort in helping others, building relationships, in being generous with my time and resources and in going the extra mile in everything that I do. In your Son’s name I pray, Amen.
